Assalam & Morning...

Happy weekend.Today not really good weekend 4 me..still ada benda nak buat, kena flu lak demam xde, not really in good mood this week. I'm tired, headache, moody and pain full. I need my space little bit to relax without anybody disturbing me..only BFF, no BF, no company, no for everyone..just me..hope they will understand..sometime u need space for yourself, just sit alone, drink coffee, watch DVD, read magazine and of course no talking..why So difficult to understand ya? my hp keep ringing every minutes either call or sms or email or others notification, rasa nak campak pun ada..maybe my mine too tired..i really appreciate to all concern and care about me..but for this time i just need myself. I didn't means to ignored everybody. Did i have middle-age crisis? Hmmm..maybe..Pelikkan...
