A lots of good people in my life..my family, my friend, my relative and etc..there is bad people too hehehe..but arghh don't give a damn...I just follow the flow to make my life easy. I'm not rich not poor..enough to survive..Alhamdulillah..syukran..but the question is! What is still not enough, Love, Money, family? hmmm. life is not easy still need to face it, I know there is someone will take a good care of me..honestly..I'm happy w my life, no preasure do what can I do, eat what can I eat, drink what can I drink.Make people happy but is it good enough? expecting something that I can't give, sometimes i felt bored too searching thing that i don't even know, What we want in our life?
"Love is a feeling that must exist in every human being, it is like a drop of dew that fell from the sky, clean and pure. If it falls on fertile soil, there is growing faith, honesty, loyalty, manners and other highly commendable behavior. "perfect quote too someone really perfect..find..find..find
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