iPhone 5 Gadget Impian - Telecommunications Technology

iPhone 5 Gadget Impian

Telecommunications technology competition is now growing. Profits are to manufacturers and telecommunications services company. Advantages for us as consumers can know the advantages of advanced technology and easy access to broadband communications more widely.

Among the largest producers is Apple and Samsung. From what I read Apple continues to lead the mobile advertising, despite the strength of Samsung in mobile phone sales. Apple accounted for 37 per cent of mobile advertising than Samsung had 24 percent.Other portable pack has lagged back behind.

Currently according to the report. Apple tops the mobile handset ratings based on just the iPhone. Samsung had seven handsets in the top 10 list. Besides, Apple has just released their latest tablet iPad Mini. But still not available in Malaysia yet.

As we know both Apple and Samsung released new products that can affect mobile ad race for all mobile products. In Market the best-selling products handled are iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3.

latest rumors Apple will release the next generation iPad around the middle of 2013, breaking away from the usual first quarter release schedule for the tablet.

These things are not impossible, It will always run time to time as long as there is a demand. So, please vote me to win iPhone 5.

Feel free to visit iPhone 5 Gadget Impian link at my AkmaOmar.com blog.


  1. Wah...nak beli lah satu iphone 5 nih..

    1. Boleh je...Syarih join contest ni kan mana tau ada rezeki...tak payah beli :)

  2. contes yang sangat hebat dari DH, semangat untuk iPhone 5

  3. Calon pemenang nie.semoga berjaya

    1. InsyaAllah..kita sama2 tunggu je keputusannya ya..hope ada rezeki utk PG n HP juga nanti :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks interested to know more will visit :)

  5. banyak betul blog dia ni..patot la menang..haha


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